May Day Celebrations - 25.5.18

Well done to everyone for their brilliant dancing during the May Day celebrations this morning. We all agree that Myles and Noreen both made a fantastic May King and Queen.

This week has been 'Walk to school week'. Thank you to everyone who either walked, cycled or scooted to school to help look after ourselves and the planet. The adults enjoyed joining lots of you on Wednesday morning when we walked to school together from the common.

We are coming to the end of our book, Gangsta Granny,  so in English we have written book reviews. We thought about what our favourite parts were, who we would reccomend it to and any changes that we would make if we were to write it.

Our artist of the term is Monet. This week we been exploring different textures and colours in art. We have created our own artwork inspired by Monet's 'Houses of Parliment' during different weathers.

Well done to Leo who has been working really hard this week to continue practising his learning at home. Night is having a rest during the Half Term.

We hope that you all enjoy your break - stay safe, have lots of fun...and some rest too!


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