Gingerbread Man Week - 13.10.17

This week we have been learning about the traditional tale  The Gingerbread Man. Today we retold the story in our own words using adjectives, conjunctions and time connectives.

In PSHE, we thought carefully about our different feelings and emotions. We created our own feeling characters to represent what makes us happy, sad, lonely, excited etc.

We have been learning how to use the most efficient strategy when adding numbers together in Maths.
E.g. ‘5 + 3 + 5’ – Max said 'double 5 = 10, 10 + 3 = 13' We also know how to use our number bonds to 10 to find our number bonds to 100.

In Science, we explored how seeds are dispersed in different ways e.g. drop and roll, hitch a ride or get blown in the wind. We designed our own seeds.

Well done to Ellis how is Star of the Week for his independent work. Ava is taking Night home for using the resources in our classroom to help her writing.

Tonight is the school disco - we look forward to seeing you!


  1. 13.10.17 I really enjoyed Friday because we got another piece on Mr Paoto from Noreen

  2. I liked using our number bonds to count to 100. gg


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