Bonfire Night - 3.11.17

This week our writing, guided reading and topic have been centred about Bonfire Night.

We have been learning about why we celebrate bonfire night during topic. We shared the story of The Gunpowder Plot.

Max – Guy Fawkes wanted to blow up the houses of parliament but he couldn’t because the guards found him.
Sam – Guy Fawkes put gunpowder at the bottom of the king's throne.

We thought about how modern day celebrations are linked to The Gunpowder Plot.

In English, we have been poets exploring lots of different language such as onomatopoeia (sound words),rhyme and alliteration. Next week we will be using our ideas to create our own firework poems. Today we wrote a rocket diary in creative writing, imagining that we were a rocket blasting into the sky.

Today we came to school wearing bright colours to raise awareness of staying safe in the dark. We have revised road safety as well as ways to stay safe on bonfire night.

Jake is Star of the Week for always being ready to learn.

Next Friday is Maple's sharing assembly. We are looking forward to sharing our learning with you.
A sign up sheet will be up for parents/carers to book a slot for work shadowing the following week.


  1. I really enjoyed creating my rocket diary. We watched the fireworks and I told my mum about Guy Fawkes.

  2. I enjoyed learning about the gun power plot.I went to the fireworks and won a bow and some arrows from hook a duck.

  3. I liked learning about the gunpowder plot.

  4. Ava - I enjoyed learning abut Guy Fawkes and the Houses of Parliament but his plan didn't work because the guards found the gun powder.

  5. I went to the fireworks and I got candy floss

  6. I am enjoying art.
    I enjoyed learning about the gunpowder plot.

  7. I have injoyd lerning about Bonfire Night. William

  8. I enjoyed learning about the gunpowder plot. I enjoyed going to the common to see the fireworks. I went on a big wheel with my mummy. It was really scary and very fast!

  9. I really enjoyed the story of Guy Fawkes, my favourite part was when Guy Fawkes got captured by the guards. I went to my friends house and watched the fireworks, and everyone made a Guy Fawkes and they chucked them on the bonfire. It was my Mummy's birthday on the 5th November.

  10. I loved learning about Guy Fawkes and the gun powder plot. I cannot wait until our sharing assembly this Friday.

  11. I really liked poetry week when we did the poems.

  12. I can not wait until the sharing assembly FROM LEO !

  13. I really enjoyed learning about guy fawkes. He tried to blow up parliament but his plan didn’t work. Sam Cawrey

  14. I really enjoyed learning about guy fawkes. He tried to blow up parliament but his plan didn’t work.

  15. I rilly enjoid lerning abowt Giy Forks. Ellis


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