Multiplication Week - 9.3.18

In maths we have been learning about multiplication. At the start of each lesson, we have been practising our 3 x table. We've been think about using the most efficient strategy - if we can't solve it mentally then we use an array.

We wrote character descriptions about Percy the Park Keeper in English. We thought about his appearance, personality, likes/dislikes and my opinion.
Sam - 'Percy is helpful because he cleans up all the leaves in the park'
Eden - 'Percy is generous because when the animal's house fell down he made them a new one'
Rafferty - 'Percy has red, rosy cheeks from working hard in the park'
Ellis - 'Percy doesn't like the wind because it blows down trees in the park and makes more work for him in the morning'

To celebrate our 'Colours of the World' topic, we are doing tie-dye with our adult helpers. Please bring in a white t-shirt if you haven't already.

Mrs Burgess brought her new puppy into school on Friday afternoon. We loved stroking his soft fur!

Ethan is Star of the Week for being a great role model. Kaitlyn is spending the weekend with Night for persevering with her writing.


  1. I liked the puppy.And I liked doing 3 times tables in maths.

  2. I loved seeing the lewie the puppy he was soooooo cute

  3. I loved seeing the adorable , little puppy Louis.

  4. I liked doing my X tables. 3x2=6. 3x5=15.


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