Redbourn Primary School - 20.4.18

Welcome back!

When we returned from our Easter holidays our school had become Redbourn Primary School. We are reminding each other to use the words Upper and Lower school. We also met Mrs Hinchliffe our new Head Teacher. We have welcomed Mrs Hinchliffe by drawing her portrait.

Today was the very special opening of our school and we have planted a tree to remember.

On Wednesday we had a fantastic trip to Buckinghamshire Railway Centre to start our new topic called ‘All Aboard!’
Ramsey: I liked when we rode on the Steam train, it went forwards and backwards slowly.
Luca: We had lunch outside in the sunshine
Kaspar: We learnt there are three types of train - steam, electric and diesel.
Kaitlyn: The miniature train was my favourite part because there were lots of characters to spot

We learnt that steam trains need water, coal and fire and it can take up to three hours to get a steam train ready to go!
 Well done to everybody for representing our school so well.

In English we have re-told the story of Goldilocks and the three Bears in our own words. We have been reading different versions of the story, Luca’s favourite ending was when Baby Bear ran after Goldilocks because he wanted to play with her.

Star of the Week goes to Sam for his fantastic attitude towards all learning. Elliot is spending the weeking with Night for his great writing. 


  1. I liked going to Buckingham railway centre.


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