Bubbles! - 11.5.18

In creative writing, we watched  a short animation about a girl who found a tube of bubbles which took her on adventures. We wrote our own stories or diary entries about going on a journey in a bubble. Well done to Lucy who went into the Star book for her fantastic story opening.

'One beautiful morning Harry was on the beach. Just then he tripped over something colourful. He picked it up the bottle and read the little label carefully and it said: Bubbles for people under ten. Harry was seven so he could use it. He turned the lid and lots of bubbles flew out of the bottle! "What is happening?" screamed Harry.'

We have been revising shape and fractions in maths this week. We found halves, quarters and thirds of shapes and numbers. We were then challenged to apply our learning to different problems.

In PSHE we thought about the difference between good and bad secrets.

Eden  - a good secret is a surprise, you keep it for a bit but the person always finds out at the end
Ramsey - good secrets and when you say 'you don't want the person to find out YET'
Birthday presents and surprise parties are examples of good secrets.

Well done to Jacqueline who is Star of the Week for trying her best in all her learning. Max is spending the weekend with Night for acting upon his feedback and improving his work.

We hope to see lots of you at the school disco tonight!


  1. I enjoyed writing about bubbles. I went to the moon in mine!


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