Chocolate! - 1.12.17

Today is the first day of December. We have celebrated by helping to decorate our school’s Christmas tree. Our school post box will be open from Monday so you can send your friends cards. We still have some Christmas decorations left over for your tree at home. If you weren't able to get yours at the Christmas Bazaar then you can still buy it by bringing in £1.50.

We have been learning how chocolate in our advent calendars are made this week. In English, we retold the process by writing an explanation text. Today we read the chapter called ‘The chocolate room’ from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We designed a new room for Mr Wonka’s factory and described it in creative writing.


In maths, we have been learning how to divide. ‘Divide means sharing a number into groups’ – Luca. We have used different strategies including sharing and arrays. We were able to solve dividing by 2 problems mentally because it is the same as finding half. Kaitlyn said ‘you can divide odd numbers but not into 2’.


We have been investigating the properties of different materials in Science.

GG – ‘glass is transparent because you can see through it’

Ellis – ‘wood is opaque’

Leo – ‘plastic can be strong or weak’

Well done to Max who has been awarded Star of the Week for helping his friends tidy up.



  1. I enjoyed desining a new room for willy wonka's factory and i allso loved our class treet.

  2. I liked writing the story about the new room and my picture was very good.

  3. I liked drawing the new room for willy wonka's chocolate factory. I hope miss forrester enjoyed teaching us this week

  4. I liked writing about my new room for willy Wonka.

  5. I liked writing about chocolate

  6. I enjoyed learning about ➗ in maths.


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