Weather Week - 23.2.18

We have been weather reporters this week. We have learnt how to read weather forecasts and collected data on the weather each morning. We have been thinking about weather effects our daily lives. Mr Lowther came to visit us and spoke about how the weather effects his job.
Ramsey - 'When the snow turns to ice Mr Lowther needs to put salt on it to make it melt so no one slips'
Kaitlyn - 'At night Mr Lowther wears a high visibility jacket so that everyone can see him in the dark'.

In English, we have been reading a Percy the Park Keeper book called 'After the Storm'. We have explored different types of sentences within the story. Can you read any more Percy the Park Keeper books from the library or at home?

In maths we have been focusing on addition.
Harry - If you want to add 9 then you can add 10 and then just take one away.

Luca is spending the weekend with Night for super maths learning. Myles is Star of the Week for challenging himself.

Reminder: Next Thursday is World Book Day.


  1. I liked doing the weather chart this week. The highest temperature was 9 degrees Celsius which was on Monday. It is much colder tonight and Spring is delayed because of the cold winds coming from Russia.

  2. I liked doing the writing of the Percy and the park keeper, and doing the weather chart.

  3. I loved doing the weather chart.

  4. I have enjoied being weather reporters this week.

  5. I liked being weather reporters.

  6. I enjoyed World Book Day even though it snowed!


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