Sport Relief - 23.3.18

Today is Sport Relief so we have all come to school wearing sporty clothes. We have celebrated by completing 'stop and moves' as well as doing a circuit in the hall. Thank you to everyone who brought in a donation.

We have been learning about fractions in maths, including halves, quarters and thirds.
Sam/Ciara - a fraction is when we split something into equal groups. Can you practise recalling your halves to 20 at home?

In English, we applied our history facts to write a non-chronological report about Queens. Before we wrote our report, we created a plan that included a heading, subheadings, introduction and conclusion.

Night is spending the weekend with Eden for her real love for learning. Well done to Eisha who is star of the week for her fantastic attitude towards her work.

We would appreciate any donations of boxes of tissues in Maple Class. Thank you.


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